Easy Steps Before Using WIFI Hotspot
Right now a lot of ways for us to get online and air-surfing fun on the internet. One of the current trends is a connection with the use of Wifi Hot Spot. In addition to easier and most importantly, because it is free. However, because it is free and independent, you do not get complacent and assume that internet connection via WIFI Hot Spot freeway and without interruption.
Precisely because it is "free" here, WIFI Hot Spot quietly spreading the great threat we are unaware. Because it is free also, WIFI Hot Spot sometimes have to sacrifice in terms of security of the network you use. So it is not surprising that after the laptop / computer / smartphone you are connected to WIFI Hot Spot will be an easy target for cyber criminals or other virus spreaders.
You'll be safer when using WIFI Hot Spot, you should consider the following tips before you use WIFI Hot Spot. You certainly do not want it, important files, data changing hands in your laptop or take people just because you connect to a WIFI Hot Spot.
- Install Firewall , Firewalll will help you avoid cyber attacks. Once there is a program or a user tries to access your laptop via the network, the firewall will block or warn you. So you are able to control the activity of data into or out of your laptop.
- WIFI Off Ad Hoc Mode , Before using WIFI Hot Spot a good idea to first disable WIFI Ad Hoc Mode on your laptop or smartphone / PDA, so there is no "network connection" that automatically runs in your laptop. So every connection that occurs on your laptop, you are always in control and require your consent before.
- use a VPN , When connected to a network, it helps you use a VPN provider company WIFI Hot Spot, so that your connection is more safe and secure.
- Non Enable File and Printer Sharing, When using WIFI Hot Spot, we do not need the laptop file and printer sharing, so you should just turn off this feature. So you can avoid fraudulent ones trying to take important files in your laptop.
- Turn off your WIFI, you are in the zone WIFI Hot Spot, but you do not use it. You should just turn off the WIFI in your laptop. In addition to safety, you can also save your laptop battery.
- Hide feature WIFI in your laptop, you should be proud because the laptop / pda or smartphone equipped with WIFI. But for the sake of your own safety, you should hide any WIFI facility in your laptop. Enough of you who know.
- Create a Personal Folder and Using Password, For security reason you should save your files or your important data in a specific folder and let more secure passwords should use. So even though there are people who can access your computer, he will find it difficult to access important files on your laptop.
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