
Saturday, December 15, 2012

How to Create Labels in Blog

How to Create Labels in Blog is a basic tutorial in blogger, but it is important for the future development of the blog. If described by its interests as well as a book, which has the title, table of contents and table of contents are sub distinguish between discussion with each other. If it is in a book does not have it, then the sub-category list will mingle, profanity and erratic.Likewise with a website / blog, which can be compared only with the book, if it does not have a label will blog profanity uncertain. Besides, the label can be classified in a blog to your liking, such as health label, you have to adjust the post with a label that will want you to enter. If you post about the dangers of smoking ideally you should put into the health label.Creating a blog label is not difficult, you just pay attention to the steps which I will explain below, while practicing into your blog.
  1.   Sig in to your blogger account
  2. Click the Layout menu 
  3.  Click Page Elements menu 
  4.  Click on Add a Page Element
  5. Click the button that says add to your blog posts under Labels
    Labels writing in addition to writing title can mate change to class if my friend wanted to change
Select the radio button next to buddy want Sorting, alphabetically: if you want to show categories according to alphabetical alphabetically (from A -> Z) By frequency: if the category you want to appear in accordance with the number of labels (categories)
Click the button that says save changes
Completed.See the picture below:create a blog labels, label blog, blog how to create labels, label, blogSo how to create a label on the blog, hopefully useful, see you at the meeting and how to make your next blog. Make sure you visit the blog Super-Bee mendaatknupdate information about tutorials for bloggers and other information.


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